2010.12-2011.12,美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校(University of Wisconsin - Madison),访问教授;
2015.09 -2019.07,有色金属及材料加工新技术教育部重点实验室桂工分部副主任。
主要从事新能源材料设计制备和铝合金加工的实验和理论研究,发表SCI学术论文30余篇;研究方向: (1) 新能源材料设计及制备方面,主要研究电催化材料设计与制备,金属-空气电池制备,ZnO半导体材料缺陷及磁学属性等;(2) 铝合金加工方面,主要研究铝合金熔铸,新型焊丝材料制备,焊缝腐蚀,铝基复合材料等。
1、 广西科技重大项目(批准号:桂科AA17129005) 高性能含钪铝合金焊丝新材料研究与产业化示范(2017-2020) (子项目责任人)
2、 国家自然科学基金 (批准号:11364009) 线缺陷和面缺陷对共掺p型ZnO稳定性的影响 (2014-2017) (主持)
3、 国家自然科学基金 (批准号:10904021) 共掺ZnO中p型导电性形成机理及其共掺设计 (2010-2012) (主持)
4、 广西自然科学基金(批准号:2018GXNSFBA050013) 线和面缺陷对ZnO稀磁掺杂的影响 (2019-2022) (主持)
5、 广西自然科学基金(批准号:2012GXNSFBA053156) 铝电解中熔盐电解质微观机理的理论研究(2012-2015) (主持)
6、 973计划前期研究专项(批准号:2007CB616902)掺杂ZnO结构稳定性及相关能带结构的基础科学问题 (2008-2009) (参与)
7、 国家自然科学基金 (批准号:10774018) 掺杂ZnO的结构稳定性及其对薄膜光电性能的影响(2008-2010) (参与)
1. Qibo Huang, Rouyue He, Chunxia Wang*, and Xin Tang*,Microstructure, Corrosion and Mechanical Properties of TiC Particles/Al-5Mg Composite Fillers for Tungsten Arc Welding of 5083 Aluminum Alloy, Materials. 12 (2019)3029(SCI收录)
2. Jiaoyu Hu, Jun Liu, Chunxia Wang*, and Xin Tang*,Effect of TiN-Coated Al Powders on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of A356 Alloy,Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 26 (2017)51-60(SCI收录)
3. Shiyuan Huang, Jun Liu, Jiaoyu Hu , Chunxia Wang*, and Xin Tang* Study of Hot-Tearing Susceptibilities of SiO2/Al-4.5Cu Nano-Composites Fabricated by Semi-Solid Stirring Combined with Ultrasonic Cavitation. Philosophical Magazine Letters (Revised)
4. D. Wagner X. Chai, X Tang and Sindo Kou* Liquation Cracking in Arc and Friction-Stir Welding of Mg-Zn Alloys. METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A, 46 (2015)315-327 (SCI收录)
5. 高经, 唐鑫*, 黄世源, 莫龙华. 超声波处理Cu/Al2O3包覆颗粒增强铝基复合材料的研究进展. 热加工工艺,2015,44(22):20-22
6. 黄世源,唐鑫*,莫龙华. SiO2/Al-7Si-0.3Mg铝基复合材料力学性能及显微结构的研究.铸造,2015,64(10):980-984
7. 高经,唐鑫*,黄世源,莫龙华,高凡. 化学镀Cu/Al2O3纳米颗粒增强铝基复合材料的显微组织及性能[J]. 铸造,2015,64(06):531-537.
8. [专利]一种添加陶瓷纳米颗粒铸造铝基复合材料的方法(专利号:201510280482.5),唐鑫,黄世源,喻亮,罗鲲(授权)
9. [专利]纳米TiN颗粒增强铝基复合材料的制备方法(专利号:201610834532.4)唐鑫,胡佼玉
10. Jungu Xu, Yanchang Li, Lijia Zhou,Xin Tang* and Xiaojun Kuang* Chemical Bonding Effect on the Incorporation and Conduction of Interstitial Oxide Ions in Gallate Melilites. Advanced Theory and Simulations, (2019)1900069(SCI收录)
11. J.J. Wu,Xin Tang*,L. Fei and B.Y. Tang Electronic structure and ferromagnetic properties of Zn vacancies in ZnO screw dislocations: First-principles calculations. AIP Advances,8(2018)065115(SCI收录)
12. Renzong Hu, Yunpeng Ouyang, Tao Liang, Xin Tang, Bin Yuan, Jun Liu, Lei Zhang, Lichun Yang and Min Zhu* Inhibiting grain coarsening and inducing oxygen vacancies: the roles of Mn in achieving a highly reversible conversion reaction and a long life SnO2–Mn–graphite ternary anode. Energy Environ. Sci. 10 (2017)2017(SCI收录)
13. J.J. Wu,Xin Tang*,L. Fei and B.Y. Tang. Effect of O–O bonds on p-type conductivity in Ag-doped ZnO twin grain boundaries. Chin. Phys. B, 27(2018)057701(SCI收录)
14. 吴静静, 唐鑫*,龙飞,唐壁玉. GGA+U方法研究ZnO孪晶界对VZn-NO-H复合体对p型导电性的影响[J]. 物理学报,2017,66(13):214-221(SCI收录)
15. J.J. Wu,Xin Tang*,L. Fei and B.Y. Tang Effect of ZnO twin grain boundary on Zn vacancies induced d0 ferromagnetism: First-principles calculations Phys. Status Solidi B, (2017) 1600838(SCI收录)
16. J.J. Wu,Xin Tang*,L. Fei C.Y, Pu and B.Y. Tang Twin grain boundary mediated ferromagnetic coupling in Co-doped ZnO: First-principles calculations Solid State Communications 250 (2017) 41–44(SCI收录)
17. X. Tang, Y.Z. Deng, D. Wagner et al. Possible Approach to Fabricate p-Type ZnO Through Be-N codoping method: First-principles Calculations, Solid State Communications 152 (2012) 1-4 (SCI收录)
18. X. Tang, X.F. Cheng, D. Wagner et al. The origin of p-type conduction in Li-N codoped ZnO: An ab initio calculation study, Journal of Applied Physics 110 013711 (2011) (SCI收录)
19. X. Tang, H.F. Lu, Q.Y. Zhang et al. Study on interactions between Cadmium and defects in Cd-doped ZnO by first-principle calculations, Solid State Science 13 384 (2011) (SCI收录)
20. X. Tang, H.F. Lu, et al. Study on the doping stability and electronic structure of wurtzite Zn1-xCdxO alloys by first-principle calculations, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 71 336 (2010) (SCI收录)
21. X. Tang, H.F. Lu, Q.Y. Zhang et al. A Comparing study on the evolution of Pd/Ni(100) and Pt/Ni(100) heteroepitaxial systems, Physica B 405 29 (2010) (SCI收录)
22. X. Tang, H.F. Lu, Q.Y. Zhang et al. Ab initio investigations of electronic structure and optical properties of HX-ZnO, Physics Letter A, 372 5372 (2008) (SCI收录)
23.唐鑫、钟胜奎、吕海峰,LiVPO4F电子结构及电化学性质的第一性原理研究,无机化学学报 27 1065 (2011) (SCI收录)
24.唐鑫、吕海峰、张庆瑜等,Cd掺杂纤锌矿ZnO电子结构的第一性原理研究,物理学报 57 1066 (2008) (SCI收录)
25.唐鑫、吕海峰、张庆瑜等,Be掺杂纤锌矿ZnO电子结构的第一性原理研究, 物理学报57 7806 (2008) (SCI收录)
26.唐鑫、张超、张庆瑜,Cu(111)三维表面岛对表面原子扩散影响的分子动力学研究,物理学报 54 5797 (2005)(SCI收录)
E-mail: xtang@glut.edu.cn